Reacting with Nature
Photography by Ian Coulling FRPS
“Reacting with Nature. With an impassioned eye and a creative sensibility, Ian Coulling captures the beauty and variability of nature and mans relationship to it. The art of photography is not only to document but also to provide experience and sensation.
My very old pre-broadband website, utilising Flash software on the home page; has been incorporated into this site, before it is shut down.
At that time, the files were designed at 500 pixel width; necessary to aid image pulling and B&W photos helped with reducing the file size.
They were scanned in on what was considered at the time a professional grade machine……how things have moved on! Colour transparency film was exposed on the basis of preserving highlight detail, whilst the shadows looked after themselves. Attempting to lift shadow detail more than a minimum on early digital processing software, resulted in horrendous noise artefacts. Digital cameras now compensate for these problems of retaining highlight and shadow detail.
The image size and fore-mentioned shortcomings on B&W photos, give the images a shorter or”punchier” contrast range and more resemble finished prints. This rather high contrast “pictorial” style of exhibition B&W printing, was very much in vogue from the 1960’s onward.
Re-scanning all these images on my modern film scanner, would be a long and arduous task – something perhaps for the future.
Despite the shortcomings, I hope you can enjoy my old analogue imagery and the ideas and themes behind them.