This post contains my “Top 25 Recommendations” and is one of the most comprehensive guides to the city’s finest museums.
25 – Museo Archeologico Nazionale
It is located in Piazza San Marco, on the first floor of the “Procuratie Nuove”.
24 – Museo Provinciale di Torcello
It recounts the history of the island of Torcello and its relations with Venice and the hinterland. It is located, in what was the two palaces of the Archives and of the Council.
23 – Palazzo Cini
The home of industrialist Vittorio Cini was converted in 1984; into a museum, housing his private art collection.
22 – Museo Ebraico
It stands next to the Old German Synagogue in the Campo di Ghetto Nuovo; in the Cannaregio district of Venice.
21 – Museo di San Marco
. Established at the end of the 19th century and recently extended, it is located inside the Basilica di San Marco.
20 – Fondazione Vedova
It has its main aim to promote the work of Venetian artist, Emilio Vedova, is located on the Zattere.
19 – Museo della Musica
It offers a tribute to “liuteria”; the Italian art and craft of stringed instrument-making; that has contributed to the greatness of Italian culture.
18 – Museo Storico Navale
Founded in 1919, it is located close to the Arsenale; in one of the old granaries of Venice.
17 – Museo Palazzo Mocenigo
Once home to the important and powerful Mocenigo family; it now houses the Museum of Textiles and Costumes.