This palace in San Croce, features unique decoration of the “Lamb of God” and the “Four Evangelists”.
Casinos and Ridotti
They were private places where select company used to meet, talk, gamble and enjoy themselves; especially at night.
Rio Tera – Canals into Streets
Rio Tera - Canals into Streets Rio Tera - Canals into Streets, are the name given to those Venetian canals; that have been filled in, to make them into streets. They contribute to the uniqueness and character of this wonderful city, with its fascinating maze of...
Ospedali Grandi of Venice
were charitable hospices, providing social assistance for the sick and needy and renowned for music-making.
Symbolism of the Venetian Cross
In Venice, you may sometimes notice unusual crosses, with arms that end up in rounded forms.
Silk Trade of Venice
It covers its origins and development and evidence remaining today, of a once thriving industry and Luccan community.
Kabbalah and Francesco della Vigna
This significant church in Castello; was built according to Pythagorean Kabbalistic musical tradition.
Eye of the Triangle
Symbolises in Christian temples; the Trinity and God’s omnipresence and divine Providence. The symbol that depicts an eye, often enclosed in a triangle and surrounded by rays of light, represents divine providence; whereby the eye of God watches over humanity.
La Maddalena and Masonic Symbolism.
La Maddalena and Masonic Symbolism La Maddalena and Masonic Symbolism. This small church in Cannaregio, is notable for its unusual round form and masonic symbolism. Designed by Tommaso Temanza, with a circular plan inspired by the Pantheon in Rome; the current small...
Palazzo Lezze and Alchemic Symbolism.
This baroque palace in Cannaregio, features curious high reliefs; that are alchemical in theme. It was thought by some to be suggestive of a “Philosopher’s House”.